In this work, Sakya Pandita Künga Gyaltsen (1182–1251), one of the founding fathers of the Sakya lineage and an eminent teacher respected by all of the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism presents the three disciplines (dom sum) that support Buddhist practice: the disciplines of individual liberation, of a bodhisattva, and of the vajrayana. This text explains the precepts of each as well as the apparent contradictions between their different levels. Knowledge of the diverse disciplines associated with Buddhist practice is a prerequisite for any person who seriously undertakes the Buddhist path.
Lama Jampa, with his rich heritage from both the Sakya and Kagyü lineages, will explain this text and clarify the divergent views concerning certain points.
Lama Jampa, with his rich heritage from both the Sakya and Kagyü lineages, will explain this text and clarify the divergent views concerning certain points.

Lama Jampa Thaye is a scholar and meditation master in the Sakya and Karma Kagyü traditions. A British citizen born in 1952, he has received teachings and empowerments from a great number of masters, in particular Karma Thinley Rinpoche, whose regent he became in 1988. He has taught at Manchester University, where he received a doctorate for his work on Tibetan religious history. Today, he teaches at KIBI in Delhi (Karmapa International Buddhist Institute) and around the world. He is the author of numerous works. Lama Jampa Thaye is appreciated for his knowledge of traditional texts and his ability to give commentary that is accessible for people in the West.
• While open to all, this teaching requires some familiarization with Buddhist philosophical ideas.
• Translations: This teaching is given in English and translated into French. If you wish to listen to this course in another language (German or Spanish), please complete this form prior to Monday, July 22nd.
Course Fee: 20€/day