Welcome to Dhagpo Kagyu Ling

A place to understand and live Buddhism

Everyone aspires to lasting happiness free from all suffering.

Living in a complex society that is in constant evolution can generate confusion and dissatisfaction.

For twenty-five centuries, the Buddha’s teachings have invited us to cultivate our inner wealth by developing kindness and discernment.

See the programSupport the center

Coming soon

Detailed Differentiation between the Three Disciplines

In this work, Sakya Pandita Künga Gyaltsen (1182–1251), one of the founding fathers of the Sakya lineage and an eminent teacher respected by all of the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism […]

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Clarity and Compassion Study and Meditation Retreat

The "Clarity and Compassion" retreat with Lama Jigme Rinpoche is replaced by the exceptional visit of His Eminence Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche.

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An Exceptional Visit from His Eminence Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche: The Torch of Certain Meaning

“Chacun de nous a obtenu une existence humaine. Sa finalité est de franchir la porte du Dharma et pour cela, il est nécessaire que notre esprit se tourne vers le Dharma. [...] Pendant ces quatre jours, Jamgön Kongtrül Rinpoché nous introduit à l’ouvrage composé par son prédécesseur.

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Dhagpo New Residences

Dharma at the Heart of Community Life  Life in Dhagpo's community offers the opportunity to immerse ourselves in all three aspects of practice: Dharma study: by receiving a precise training from qualified teachers and become part of a continuous learning process...

New Program

June to September 2024

Programme de Dhagpo - été 2024

Nouveau programme de Dhagpo - Octobre 2023 à mai 2024

New Dhagpo program – from October 2023 to May 2024

Dear Friends,

The Dhagpo Kagyu Ling website is getting a new look for the release of the October 2023 to May 2024 program.

In this release, in accordance with the instructions given by Lama Jigme Rinpoche, you will discover a number of changes designed to make the program more readable and clarify what the center has to offer.